- Software comparison -

ChatWork VS Rocket.Chat

Compare those two business instant messaging apps. Which one is the best for you: ChatWork or Rocket.Chat? Discover our detailed comparison with +50 criteria (pricing, features...).


Discover how ChatWork compare with Rocket.Chat

Enjoy a detailed comparison table about features and pricing. More than 50 criteria.


G2 Score4,4/54,1/5
Market SegmentMid marketGlobal, Tech, Open source
Website Linkhttps://go.chatwork.com/https://www.rocket.chat/

Business model

Entry Level Price$5/user/month
Free Trial
30 days
Free VersionUp to 100 users

Chat features

File Sharing
Voice messages
Gif And Emoji

Video call features

1-1 Video Call
Integration needed
Group video calls
Integration needed
Screen Sharing
Audio Call
Breakout rooms
Participant Permissions
Subtitles & Translations

Document features

Online Document Editing
Document Viewer
Documents management


Roles Management
Graphic Personalization
Custom Domain Name
Contact Management
Workspace And User Activity

Other features

SearchMessages onlyGlobal search
Multiple Workspaces
Branding Removal
User Profile
StorageFrom 5Gb to 10Gb/user
Task Management
"Do not disturb" mode


Training (On-Site, Online Live, Docs, Videos)
Help Ressources (Customer Service, Email, Faq, Forum, Knowledge Base, Chat, Phone)
Training Webinars
Dedicated CSM

Tech specifications

Mobile App
Web App
Desktop App
Integrations & API
SAML/SSO Authentication
End-to-end encryption
Two-factor authentication
Data & Users ImportUsers importFrom Slack or CSV

Why choose ChatWork or Rocket.Chat?

ChatWork has a slightly higher G2 Score of 4.4/5 compared to Rocket.Chat's 4.1/5. ChatWork is targeted towards the mid-market segment while Rocket.Chat is more global and tech-focused as an open-source platform.

ChatWork has an entry-level price of $5/user/month while Rocket.Chat offers a free version for up to 100 users. Rocket.Chat also has a longer free trial period of 30 days. Both platforms offer chat, file sharing, and group/channel features, but Rocket.Chat has more advanced features such as mentions, voice messages, and threads. Rocket.Chat also offers custom domain names, while ChatWork does not. Overall, Rocket.Chat may be a better fit for more tech-savvy and open-source users, while ChatWork is better suited for mid-market businesses looking for a more straightforward and affordable option.

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What is ChatWork?

ChatWork is a cloud-based communication platform that offers team collaboration tools such as messaging, video chat, file sharing, and task management.

It is designed for businesses of all sizes and aims to increase productivity by streamlining communication and project management within teams.

What is Rocket.Chat?

Rocket.Chat is a free and open-source team communication platform that allows users to chat, share files, and collaborate on projects. It offers features such as video and audio conferencing, screen sharing, and custom integrations.

With its customizable interface and extensive list of plugins, Rocket.Chat is a popular choice for businesses looking for an alternative to Slack or Microsoft Teams. It also offers self-hosted options for companies that require additional security and control over their data.